Ecological Reciprocity: A Treatise on Kindness

Nova Science Publishers Review
3 min readMar 8, 2022
Nova Science Publishers Ecological Reciprocity

Ecological Reciprocity: A Treatise on Kindness was coauthored by Michael Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison and published in 2021. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. explains that the book explores the notion of ecological reciprocity, the idea that we should behave kindly to others because we hope that they will behave kindly to us in return.

Let’s explore in more detail what Tobias and Morrison meant by ecological reciprocity and learn how we can become better, kinder, and more caring individuals both for each other and for the world. We’ll also touch briefly on some of their other works with the Ecological Landscapes Alliance.

What is Ecological Reciprocity?

Ecological reciprocity is a term for the idea that we should behave kindly to others because we hope that they will behave kindly to us in return. This idea is based on the idea that we are all interconnected, and that our actions have consequences for the world around us.

According to Michael Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison, there are plenty of reasons to behave kindly to others:

  • Kindness makes the world a better place
  • Kindness makes us happier
  • Kindness makes us healthier

Even though there is no guarantee that others will behave kindly to us in return, they still argue that it’s important to behave kindly anyway. Kindness is contagious and can inspire others to be kind as well. Their hope is that if more people behave kindly, the world will progressively become a more compassionate place.

How to Be Kinder

Michael Tobias and Jane Gray Morrison cast their nets as far back as the dawn of man. Building on the works of paleontologist André Leroi-Gourhan, they argue that since our early days, humanity has endeavored to live symbiotically with nature and itself. Through that symbiosis, we can all become better, kinder people.

Despite our history of violence and the ongoing slaughter of trillions of animals every year, Tobias and Morrison believe that we can offset our darkness through a mutual relationship with every living being on the planet. For us to reach this enlightened point, though, humanity requires a generational dedication to recentering its nature.

What Would a Kinder World Look Like?

According to the book, a kinder world would be free of the destruction and evil we see today. In a kinder world, people would be more compassionate and understanding of other people and other species. There would be less violence and more cooperation. Wars would become obsolete and people would be more environmentally conscious.

Although it may sound lofty or unattainable, such aspirational idealism is practical in its endgame. By refocusing our attention as a species onto kindness, we could save the planet from impending environmental catastrophe and put an end to seemingly endless wars.

Tobias and Morrison are committed to this effort through their works with the Ecological Landscapes Alliance. The Ecological Landscapes Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the environment. Through it, they work to promote ecological reciprocity and encourage a future generation of kinder people.

Pick up a copy of Ecological Reciprocity: A Treatise on Kindness today and learn for yourself how to become a kinder living being.



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